Diálogo de saberes ancestrales. Una apuesta Intercultural con los estudiantes de sexto grado del Colegio el Carmen de Maicao la Guajira
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This research project was developed at the Carmen of Maicao where peasant, Afro School in the Guajira Colombia descendant, indigenous, mestizo families who have had to migrate to the municipality to improve their quality of life cohabit. The main objective is to promote spaces for intercultural dialogue based o and Afro n meetings that allow the recognition and strengthening of Wayuu Colombian cultures from a horizontal dialogue of knowledge. The methodology is framed in a qualitative approach, based on an interpretative and ethnographic paradigm. This was carri ed out in six moments: first, to define the problem where the behavior of the students and their interactions inside and outside the classroom was observed, second characterization of the students, third investigation of ancestral knowledge, fourth design of workshops where students discussed about each culture, fifth execution of the workshops with the two knowers of each culture and finally reflections were made where the students highlighted the Importance of each culture. To reconstitute the social fabr ic, strengthen cultural identity and transform families and community into an education that responds to their needs and knowledge.
This research project was developed at the Carmen of Maicao where peasant, Afro School in the Guajira Colombia descendant, indigenous, mestizo families who have had to migrate to the municipality to improve their quality of life cohabit. The main objective is to promote spaces for intercultural dialogue based o and Afro n meetings that allow the recognition and strengthening of Wayuu Colombian cultures from a horizontal dialogue of knowledge. The methodology is framed in a qualitative approach, based on an interpretative and ethnographic paradigm. This was carri ed out in six moments: first, to define the problem where the behavior of the students and their interactions inside and outside the classroom was observed, second characterization of the students, third investigation of ancestral knowledge, fourth design of workshops where students discussed about each culture, fifth execution of the workshops with the two knowers of each culture and finally reflections were made where the students highlighted the Importance of each culture. To reconstitute the social fabr ic, strengthen cultural identity and transform families and community into an education that responds to their needs and knowledge.
Palabras clave
Ciclo inicial, Desarraigo, Familias, Infancias, Saber ancestral
Initial cycle, Uprooting, Families, Childhoods, Ancestral knowledge