Incidencia de las TIC en el aumento de la ideación y práctica suicida en los jóvenes de la comunidad indígena Embera Chamí del municipio de Mistrató Risaralda


El índice de conducta suicida (ideación y consumación) entre la población Embera Chamí, la cual se ubica en el municipio de Mistrató-Risaralda, ha presentado un particular aumento entre el 2020 y el 2022. Esta situación, ha encendido las alarmas al interior de la comunidad, al considerarse una epidemia invisible que pone en riesgo su supervivencia. Conceptos como “Wawaima” (malestar espiritual) , nos acercan a las formas de comprender la salud mental como un sistema complejo, que involucra no sólo el desenlace de la conducta suicida, sino, una interacción en distintos niveles de los parámetros socioculturales propios de su etnia, con los factores exógenos que conlleva el encuentro intercultural en los espacios físicos y simbólicos, además de, su percepción y concepto propio de desarrollo en tanto individuo y sujeto social. Por lo anterior, surgió una sentida motivación de indagar si las apropiaciones derivadas de procesos y choques interculturales como es el uso de herramientas tecnológicas inciden en el aumento de la conducta suicida. En un primer momento fue necesario identificar cuáles son los usos que la comunidad Embera Chami les asigna a las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación; en un segundo momento, conocer las motivaciones por las que se presenta el comportamiento suicida y finalmente analizar los motivos identificados de ideación y práctica suicida en los jóvenes indígenas, y su relación con el uso de las TIC. En los instrumentos utilizados, se anexó el consentimiento informado y la autorización de la autoridad Indígena Mayor. Se utilizó una metodología de carácter cualitativo, a la luz del paradigma socio-crítico, bajo la profundidad de los estudios explicativos, la cual generó procesos de reflexión y análisis entre los diferentes actores sobre el tema de investigación. Para acercarnos a las formas de pensamiento y realidades de los participantes, se utilizaron la entrevista semiestructurada, grupos focales y la observación. Los datos recolectados fueron procesados y analizados mediante matrices, codificando el texto transcrito, dando lugar a categorías, subcategorías y relaciones entre ellas, y finalmente configurando el proceso de triangulación.



The rate of suicidal behavior (ideation and consummation) among the Embera Chamí population, which is located in the municipality of Mistrató-Risaralda, it has shown a particular increase between 2020 and 2022. This situation has set off alarms within the community, as it is considered an invisible epidemic that threatens their survival. Concepts such as "Wawaima” (spiritual distress), bring us closer to the ways of understanding mental health as a complex system, which involves not only the outcome of suicidal behavior, but also an interaction at different levels of the sociocultural parameters of their ethnicity, with the exogenous factors involved in the intercultural encounter in physical and symbolic spaces, as well as their own perception and concept of development as an individual and social subject. Therefore, a heartfelt motivation arose to investigate whether the appropriations derived from intercultural processes and clashes such as the use of technological tools affect the increase in suicidal behavior. First, it was necessary to identify the uses that the Embera Chami community assigns to the new information and communication technologies; second, to know the motivations for suicidal behavior and finally to analyze the identified reasons for suicidal ideation and practice in indigenous youth, and their relationship with the use of ICTs In the instruments used, the informed consent and the authorization of the Major Indigenous authority were attached. A qualitative methodology was used, in the light of the socio-critical paradigm, under the depth of explanatory studies, which generated processes of reflection and analysis among the different actors on the research topic. Semi-structured interviews, focus groups and observation were used to approach the ways of thinking and realities of the participants. The data collected were processed and analyzed by means of matrices, coding the transcribed text, giving rise to categories, subcategories and relationships between them, and finally configuring the triangulation process. The results obtained allow us to observe that these are not isolated cases, but that there are common elements between the appropriation arising from the intercultural process and the dynamics of the community, which affect the socioeconomic, family and cultural development, reflected in a cultural disconnection, weakening of spirituality and rituality, appropriation and inappropriate use of ICTs, family conflicts, lack of educational and employment opportunities, consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances. These elements become risk factors that lead to suicidal ideation and practice in Embera youth, which are directly and indirectly linked to contact with games and challenges acquired through ICTs, leading young people to make extreme decisions to relieve family, intercultural and socio-organizational pressure and demands, because in the absence of coping tools and protective environments, they disconnect from their culture and take refuge irresponsibly in technology, as an escape from their reality.

Palabras clave

Suicidio, TIC, Ideación suicida, Práctica suicida, Suicidio en comunidades indígenas choque intercultural, Ritualidad, Espiritualidad, Armonización, Comunidad, Costumbres, Saber ancestral, Identidad cultural


Suicide, ICT, Suicidal ideation, Suicidal practice, Suicide in indigenous communities intercultural shock, Rituality, Spirituality, Harmonization, Community, Customs, Ancestral knowledge, Cultural identity

