Patrón de actividad y dieta preliminar de las hembras adultas de un grupo de Ateles fusciceps en un remanente de bosque seco tropical en Necoclí, Antioquia


Colombia es uno de los países con mayor registro de especies de primates entre las cuales podemos encontrar a Ateles fusciceps, una especie amenazada y que es considerada un bioindicador del buen estado de conservación de los bosques, sin embargo, en Colombia existen pocos estudios relacionados con la ecología y comportamiento de la especie en vida silvestre. El presente estudio, se planteó como principal objetivo caracterizar el patrón de actividad de las hembras adultas de un grupo de A. fusciceps. Se empleó el método de animal focal para registrar datos de comportamiento puntuales y el método ad libitum, para tomar registros de observaciones oportunistas y sin restricciones en el tiempo. Luego de un esfuerzo de muestreo de animal focal, en 8 hembras adultas, de136 horas y 12 minutos, para el patrón de actividad se encontró que el porcentaje más alto fue para descanso (41,8%) seguido de desplazamiento (31,4%). Por otro lado, luego de un muestreo de 871 minutos de eventos de alimentación durante la época seca, se identificaron 8 especies de plantas que hacen parte de la dieta de A fusciceps, entre las cuales Ocotea sp, fue la especie en la que invirtieron mayor tiempo de alimentación (44,2%), además se pudo evidenciar que los frutos son el ítem de alimentación que tiene mayor consumo (92,5%).



Colombia is one of the countries with the largest record of primate species among which we can find Ateles fusciceps, this is considered a bioindicator species of good conservation status of forests and in turn plays the role of umbrella species (Mejía-Correa 2014), however, in Colombia there are few studies related to the ecology and behavior of the species in the wild, which is why the main research question of this study was to identify the activity and diet pattern of adult females of a group of black spider monkeys in a tropical dry forest in the municipality of Necoclí, Antioquia. The objective of this study was to characterize the activity pattern of adult females of a group of A. fusciceps. The focal animal method was used, which allows recording more detailed behavioral data, and the ad libitum method, which allows taking records of opportunistic observations without time restrictions. A total of 136 hours and 12 minutes were obtained for the monitoring of the focal animal, where it was evident that the study group is composed of 16 individuals. For the activity pattern, 5 categories were recorded, which obtained the following percentages: rest (41.8%), movement (31.4%), feeding (23.5%), social events (2.94%), and other events (0.25%); these include the activities that adult females carry out during the day. 871 were obtained for the feeding event, from which 8 species of plants were identified as part of the diet of A fusciceps, among which Ocotea sp, was the species in which they invested the most feeding time (44.2%), and it was also evident that fruits are the food item with the highest consumption (92.5%).

Palabras clave

Animal focal, Comportamiento, Dieta, Mono araña, Bosque seco tropical


Focal animal, Behavior, Diet, Spider monkey, Tropical dry forest


