Establecer la participación de los cirujanos latinoamericanos en la red social twitter utilizando el hashtag #some4surgery y #some4iqlatam




Twitter is the social network most used by surgeons around the world, so we determined to establish the participation of Latin American surgeons by comparing the use of the hashtags #SoMe4Surgery and # SoMe4IQLatAm, by countries, gender, classifying the Tweet content and considering different metrics such as engagement and impressions using analytic tools. This information was analyzed and we established the recommendations to improve the interactions on Twitter of the @Cirbosque and @MISIRG1 accounts. About the countries with the highest participation of surgeons in Latin America, on the first place is Colombia because the study was based on two accounts of a Colombian institution, followed by Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil. On the other hand, men are the most active genre on Twitter and academic Tweets with presentation of surgical cases are those that generally have the most interaction and loyalty of followers. Tweets with history content about surgery have greater interest which is reflected in increased visibility through the impressions generated. Twitter is a dynamic entity because it has many factors that modify its activity indirectly or directly. Twitter activity depends on trends, current situations such as pandemic and quarantines or internet access. So, Twitter must have constant activity and the published information should be validated and verified, carrying out periodic analyzes and, according to the results, making modifications to continue with an adequate activity, position and generating spaces for suitable academic discussions. Key words: Surgeons, Latin America, Twitter, Participation, Engagement.

Palabras clave

Cirujanos, Latinoamérica, Twitter, Participación, Engagement


Surgeons, Latin America, Twitter, Participation, Engagement

