Del bullerengue sentao al neo soul


Las expresiones musicales afro se han desarrollado similarmente en los diferentes países del continente americano. “La música africana (por lo menos la de las culturas que tuvieron incidencia en la conformación de la afroamericana) se caracteriza, en términos generales, por su construcción “circular” (superposición sincrónica de eventos y procesos que hace que lo diacrónico no nos remita a una “narrativa lineal”; cosa que se evidencia, por ejemplo, en la construcción rítmica basada, casi siempre, en la polimetría)” (Cardona.038.2021) Algunos de los ritmos son más conocidos que otros debido a la ubicación y flujo comercial de la misma. Es posible hallar coincidencias en interpretaciones de ritmos afro-brasileros, afro-colombianos, afro-estadounidenses por mencionar algunos ejemplos. Dichas similitudes surgen al tener como punto originario común el continente africano. Se tomarán el neo soul y el bullerengue como objetos de estudio. De esta manera establecer comparaciones desde las lógicas rítmicas texturales que se mueven en el campo rítmico binario y ternario, “Superposición de patrones rítmicos, binarios y ternarios que entran en confrontación, originando ritmos que se perciben como complejos”. (Gollancz LTD, 1988). Las dinámicas responsoriales de sus cantos y las secciones disponibles para la improvisación y expresión conceptual del artista.


Afro musical expressions have developed similarly in the different countries of the American continent. “African music (at least that of the cultures that had an impact on the formation of African-American music) is characterized, in general terms, by its“ circular ”construction (synchronous superposition of events and processes that makes the diachronic not refer to us to a “linear narrative”, something that is evident, for example, in the rhythmic construction based, almost always, on polymetry) ”(Cardona. 038.2021) Some of the rhythms are better known than others due to its location and commercial flow. It is possible to find coincidences in interpretations of Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Colombian, Afro-American rhythms to mention a few examples. These similarities arise from having the African continent as a common original point. Neo soul and bullerengue will be taken as objects of study. In this way, establish comparisons from the textural rhythmic logics that move in the binary and ternary rhythmic field, "Superposition of rhythmic, binary and ternary patterns that enter into confrontation, originating rhythms that are perceived as complex." (Gollancz LTD, 1988). The response dynamics of their songs and the sections available for improvisation and conceptual expression of the artist.


Afro musical expressions have developed similarly in the different countries of the American continent. "African music (at least that of the cultures that had an incidence in the conformation of Afro-American music) is characterized, in general terms, by its "circular" construction (synchronic superposition of events and processes that makes the diachronic not refer us to a "linear narrative"; something that is evidenced, for example, in the rhythmic construction based, almost always, on polymetry)" (Cardona.038.2021). Some of the rhythms are better known than others due to their location and commercial flow. It is possible to find coincidences in interpretations of Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Colombian, Afro-American rhythms, to mention a few examples. These similarities arise from having the African continent as a common point of origin. Neo soul and bullerengue will be taken as objects of study. In this way to establish comparisons from the textural rhythmic logics that move in the binary and ternary rhythmic field, "Superposition of rhythmic patterns, binary and ternary that enter in confrontation, originating rhythms that are perceived as complex". (Gollancz LTD, 1988). The responsorial dynamics of his songs and the sections available for the artist's improvisation and conceptual expression.

Palabras clave

Bullerengue, Neo Soul, Ritmo, Interpretación, Drums


Bullerengue, Neo Soul, Rhythm, Interpretation, Drums

