El aula invertida, como estrategia para desarrollar habilidades matemáticas de los estudiantes de grado cuarto con absentismo del colegio INEM Francisco de Paula Santander
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La deserción escolar en Colombia está influenciada por múltiples factores, siendo el absentismo uno de los principales. Estrategias implementadas por el MEN, como transporte, cronogramas de matrícula y programas de formación docente, buscan reducir el abandono escolar. Sin embargo, la falta de asistencia afecta directamente el rendimiento académico, particularmente en matemáticas, como se observa en estudiantes de cuarto grado del Colegio INEM Francisco de Paula Santander. En este contexto, el aula invertida surge como una metodología pedagógica innovadora y viable para mejorar el rendimiento y la equidad educativa a pesar del absentismo.
Esta investigación explora la pregunta: “¿Es el aula invertida una metodología efectiva para desarrollar habilidades matemáticas y mejorar el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de cuarto grado con alto índice de absentismo en el Colegio INEM Francisco de Paula Santander?”. Con un enfoque mixto y un paradigma crítico, el estudio emplea el método de investigación-acción participativa para generar un cambio positivo en el entorno escolar. Inspirada en los enfoques teóricos de Orlando Fals Borda y Paulo Freire, esta metodología busca colectivizar el conocimiento, promoviendo una acción educativa inclusiva que involucra tanto a estudiantes como a la comunidad educativa.
La muestra de investigación incluyó 28 estudiantes de cuarto grado, entre 8 y 11 años, seleccionados de siete cursos de la institución. Un diagnóstico inicial confirmó la relación entre el absentismo y las deficiencias en competencias matemáticas, como operaciones básicas y conceptos geométricos. Estas dificultades reflejan la necesidad de estrategias pedagógicas efectivas para abordar el bajo rendimiento en matemáticas, atribuible a la falta de asistencia regular y a metodologías tradicionales que no logran captar la atención de los estudiantes ni atender sus necesidades de aprendizaje.
School dropout rates in Colombia are influenced by multiple factors, with absenteeism being one of the main contributors. Strategies implemented by the Ministry of National Education (MEN), such as transportation, enrollment schedules, and teacher training programs, aim to reduce school dropout. However, lack of attendance directly impacts academic performance, particularly in mathematics, as observed among fourth-grade students at College INEM Francisco de Paula Santander. In this context, flipped classrooms emerge as an innovative and viable pedagogical approach for enhancing academic performance and educational equity despite absenteeism.
This study explores the question: “Is the flipped classroom an effective methodology to develop mathematical skills and improve academic performance among fourth-grade students with high absenteeism rates at college INEM Francisco de Paula Santander?” With a mixed-methods approach and a critical paradigm, the study applies the participatory action research method to foster positive change within the school environment. Inspired by the theoretical frameworks of Orlando Fals Borda and Paulo Freire, this methodology aims to share and build collective knowledge, promoting an inclusive educational action that engages both students and the broader school community.
The research sample included 28 fourth-grade students, aged 8 to 11, selected from seven classes within the institution. An initial diagnosis confirmed the link between absenteeism and deficiencies in mathematical competencies, such as basic operations and geometric concepts. These difficulties underscore the need for effective pedagogical strategies to address low math performance, which can be attributed to irregular attendance and traditional methodologies that fail to capture students' attention or address their learning needs.
Implementing the flipped classroom method led to significant improvements in autonomy, participation, and mathematical skills, especially among students with high absenteeism. This approach enables students to access content at home through videos and digital activities, utilizing in-person sessions to develop more complex skills with teacher guidance. In this way, a meaningful and personalized learning experience is fostered, allowing students to prepare in advance and gain confidence in-class participation. The results show increased motivation, commitment, and understanding of mathematical content, along with strengthened essential mathematical skills.
Palabras clave
Aula invertida, Matemáticas, Absentismo escolar, Competencias matemáticas
Flipped classroom, Mathematics, School absenteeism, Mathematical competencies