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Este proyecto de diseño consiste en una plataforma de interacción en línea basada en el almacenamiento de datos por georreferencia, el cual permite el libre acceso y publicación de contenidos asociados a un lugar y a un momento compartido en el pasado por los participantes. Tanto los lugares como los momentos son componentes fundamentales en las experiencias que las personas comparten en su vida.



This project consists of an online interaction platform based on georeferenced data which allows free access and publication of content associated with a place and a moment shared in the past by the participants. Both places and moments are fundamental components in the experiences that people share in their lives. The project had the participation of di erent users who, through surveys and checks, contributed to the concept, composition and interaction paradigm of the platform. In this way, it is intended as an interactive space, where ideas, opinions, portraits and memories contribute to strengthening the identity of both people and places over time. The name of the platform is Geoline, whose app allows users to create timelines by categories which correspond to experiences, feelings and opinions, being these mea ningful contents for people, as they help to remind a time and a place in their memory. Based on research carried out and validated with the users, a user interface of coherent with both feelings and information was developed, giving access to spaces where users can store their best memories by collections.

Palabras clave

Diseño de interacción, Diseño de experiencia, Diseño de interfaz, Aplicaciones móviles, Georreferenciación


Georeferencing, Interaction design, Experience design, Interface Design, Mobile apps

