Descripción del desenlace clínico y radiológico en el adolescente y adulto joven con antecedente de pie equino varo que consulta por dolor en el IOIR
Caldas Suárez, Luz Margarita
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Es mucho lo que se ha escrito sobre la fisiopatología del pie equino varo congénito idiopático y sobre la evolución en su manejo. Sin embargo es poco lo que se conoce sobre el resultado a largo plazo en dichos pacientes, en cuanto a funcionalidad, dolor y cambios degenerativos evidentes radiográficamente, de una forma objetiva. Es por esto que nos proponemos describir las características clínicas y radiológicas actuales en los pacientes adolescentes y adultos jóvenes que consultan al Servicio de Pie y Tobillo del Instituto Roosevelt y que tienen antecedente de Pie Equino Varo Congénito idiopático tratados en la infancia, y comparar sus resultados funcionales y la satisfacción subjetiva del paciente ante sus tratamientos previos. Además, comparar la prevalencia de artrosis tibioastragalina y subtalar entre diferentes grupos etarios y su relación con la sintomatología actual, y describir el estado clínico en cuanto a dolor y movilidad; también brindar una herramienta para valorar objetivamente el aplanamiento del domo astragalino radiológicamente y realizar una correlación entre éste y la sintomatología del paciente.
There is a lot of literature about the idiopatic congenital clubfoot, its evolution and handling. however, less information is available about the long-term results of those patients regarding the functionality, pain and degenerative changes shown by x-ray or any other objective way. The purpose of this study is to analyse the actual status of those patients that were treated in their infancy and who are now adolescents or young people, in order to evaluate whether or not our procedures were the adequate ones and/or to implement better tools and make better decisions in the future. Aditionally, this study intends to provide a solution for measurement of flat-top astragalus, that will be useful to orthopedics trying to avoid the risk of arthrosis, pain and limitation in walking and motion. The study was performed in patients of the roosevelt orthopedic institute and included patients with a diagnosis of congenital club-foot who were subjected to surgery in their infancy; patients with congenital club-foot as a result of a neurologic disease, or under 11 years old were not included in this study. We studied 20 cases of congenital clubfoot with ages between 12 and 48 year old, all of them had been submitted to ponsetti treatment in their infancy and further surgery. We obtained the following results: 69.23% of our patients suffer moderate pain, 46.15% inadequate alignment, 53.84% difficulty for walking on irregular áreas 76.92% light difficulty for walking. the final result evidenced a leveling of 57% and in 90% of cases, it was necessary a new surgery. Our study showed the necessity of making long-term following of all patients.
Palabras clave
Desenlace clínico y radiológico, Adolescente, Adulto joven, Pie equino varo
Pie equino
Paciente -- Adolescente
Enfermedades del pie
Paciente -- Adolescente
Enfermedades del pie