TRANSFORM-ARTE “Promover la utilización de las expresiones artísticas en los docentes de 3°,4° y 5° de primaria de la Institución Educativa Técnica Agropecuaria Macayepos sede Verruguita como herramientas para desarrollar procesos de inclusión en el aula”




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Este proyecto se desarrolló en la institución Educativa Técnica agropecuaria Macayepos sede Verruguita, la cual alberga una población estudiantil diversa, conformada por niños, niñas y jóvenes de grupos afrodescendientes , indígenas y migrantes venezolanos, producto del proceso migratorio de la región, siendo una población flotante, que además ha sido marcada por la violencia y aun con la presencia de grupos al margen de la ley, situación que se convierte en detonante para generar una serie de acciones que permitan una alternativa para la comunidad desde el arte. La propuesta “TRANSFORM-ARTE” permitió dejar una huella en la institución y en la comunidad con la construcción del rincón de los sueños o espacio del arte, teniendo como objetivo específico, promover en los docentes de 3°,4° y 5° de primaria de la Institución Educativa Macayepos sede Verruguita, la importancia de la utilización de expresiones artísticas para generar procesos de inclusión en los estudiantes. Desde esta perspectiva la investigación realizada, es cualitativa de carácter descriptivo; pretendiendo fortalecer las estrategias de intervención pedagógica en el aula a través de herramientas artísticas desde la pintura y la danza buscando que contribuyan al mejoramiento del proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje de una manera activa, durante el desarrollo de la investigación se propuso un ejercicio de intervención de un espacio pensado desde el arte ya que en la institución no contaba con este espacio.



This project was developed in the Macayepos Agricultural and Livestock Technical Educational Institution, Verruguita, which houses a diverse student population, made up of children and young people from Afro-descendant, indigenous and Venezuelan migrant groups, product of the migratory process in the region, being a floating population, which has also been marked by violence and even with the presence of groups outside the law, a situation that becomes a trigger to generate a series of actions that allow an alternative for the community from the art. The proposal "TRANSFORM-ARTE" allowed to leave a mark in the institution and in the community with the construction of the corner of dreams or space of art, having as specific objective, to promote in the teachers of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade of primary school of the Educational Institution Macayepos headquarters Verruguita, the importance of the use of artistic expressions to generate processes of inclusion in the students. From this perspective, the research conducted is qualitative and descriptive in nature, aiming to strengthen the pedagogical intervention strategies in the classroom through artistic tools from painting and dance, seeking to contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning process in an active way, during the development of the research, an exercise of intervention of a space designed from art was proposed, since the institution did not have this space. This project was developed in the Macayepos Agricultural and Livestock Technical Educational Institution, Verruguita, which houses a diverse student population, made up of children and young people from Afro-descendant, indigenous and Venezuelan migrant groups, product of the migratory process in the region, being a floating population, which has also been marked by violence and even with the presence of groups outside the law, a situation that becomes a trigger to generate a series of actions that allow an alternative for the community from the art. The proposal "TRANSFORM-ARTE" allowed to leave a mark in the institution and in the community with the construction of the corner of dreams or space of art, having as specific objective, to promote in the teachers of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade of primary school of the Educational Institution Macayepos headquarters Verruguita, the importance of the use of artistic expressions to generate processes of inclusion in the students. From this perspective, the research conducted is qualitative and descriptive in nature, aiming to strengthen the pedagogical intervention strategies in the classroom through artistic tools from painting and dance, seeking to contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning process in an active way, during the development of the research, an exercise of intervention of a space designed from art was proposed, since the institution did not have this space.

Palabras clave

Expresiones Artísticas, Inclusión, Transformación, Estrategias


Artistic Expressions, Inclusion, Transformation, Strategies

