Cañón Saavedra, David AandrésFragoso pissiotti, Carolina2022-06-012022-06-012022 for holding objects of daily use for people with upper limb loss, designed for patients with an amputation either lateral, bilateral in the upper limb or presenting an important lesson in the peripheral nervous system that limits broad and fine grips such as pronation and supination. It was devised with the purpose of reducing the manufacturing time of the current rehabilitation pieces and that allows to reduce the rehabilitation time of the basic functions of the patient and even that this treatment can be carried out directly in the patient’s place of residence. Its manufacture is carried out through additive manufac turing technologies, in this case it is carried out with SLA or DLP printers due to its high precision when printing the parts and biocompatible resins so as not to affect the end user.application/pdfspaAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternacionalRehabilitaciónQuemadurasMiembro superiorImpresión 3DSLADLPTecnologías aditiva745.2OVO/Dispositivo para la rehabilitación de las funciones amputaciones en miembro superior por quemaduras de tercer gradoTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - PregradoRehabilitationBurnsUpper limbs3D printingSLADLPAdditive technologiesinstname:Universidad El Bosquereponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad El Bosquerepourl: Device for the rehabilitation of upper limb amputation functions due to third degree burnsAcceso abiertoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess