Examinando por Autor "Pinto Martinez, Dayanna Marcela"
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Ítem Efecto de la altura residencia materna sobre el desarrollo de cardiopatías congénitas en Colombia.(Universidad El Bosque) Robles Luna, Larry Javier; Reyes Montenegro, Yeisson David; Pinto Martinez, Dayanna Marcela; Rueda Alfonso, Blanca Nathalia; Miranda Jiménez, Rafael José; Pianneta, Oscar; Miranda Jiménez, Rafael José [0000-0002-0680-4048]There is a relationship between the prevalence of abnormalities in pregnancy and hypobaric hypoxia due to height, this is due to different factors and pathophysiological processes such as: alterations in embryogenesis and organogenesis, by physiological changes that occur in these conditions as accumulation of oxygen free radicals (ROS), changes in pH, elevation of hemoglobin, among others; likewise, this situation generates other risk factors in pregnancy and the fetus, through placental circulation, membranous or muscular defects. This paper aims to evaluate if there is a relationship between the presence of congenital heart disease and pregnancy in height in conditions of hypobaric hypoxia, for which it is necessary to compare statistical data from the INSS databases of the protocol and the report card of congenital abnormalities of Colombia with different heights and prevalence of the cardiac congenital anomalies in the same during the period of 2010 to 2015. Results: It was found that congenital heart disease prevalence per 100000 newborn was higher at high height among sea level, in the years were report of cases: 2013: 116,3 vs 232 ; 2014: 77,5 vs 71,7; 2015: 126,7 vs 85,8; at >2000 and <2000 meter above sea level, respectively. Conclusions: this study is unique and new seggest a possible association between congenital heart diseases and maternal residency en high height above sea level, nevertheless future studies are required to prove this association.Ítem Linfoma anaplásico de células grandes asociado a implantes mamarios, una enfermedad desconocida(Universidad de Antioquia, 2023) Paipilla Sandoval, Marco; Gutierrez Sarmiento, Juliana; Aguirre Serrano, Herley; Pinto Martinez, Dayanna Marcela; Robles Luna, Larry Javier; Paipilla Sandoval, Marco [0000-0003-1175-4847]; Gutierrez Sarmiento, Juliana [0000-0001-6157-6159]; Pinto Martinez, Dayanna Marcela [0000-0002-9888-1437]; Aguirre Serrano, Herley [0000-0001-8884-7801]; Robles Luna, Larry Javier [0000-0001-6025-6188]Existen muchas enfermedades relacionadas con el tejido mamario que tienen patrones radiológicos y hallazgos de imagen específicos. Sin embargo, el linfoma anaplásico de células grandes asociado a implantes mamarios es una patología con hallazgos inespecíficos que tiene una incidencia creciente debido al crecimiento exponencial en todo el mundo de la mamoplastia de aumento a lo largo de los años y al uso de implantes en cirugía estética y reconstructiva. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de la epidemiología, etiología, fisiopatología y diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, destacando los hallazgos radiológicos sugestivos de esta enfermedad, lo que permite al radiólogo aportar información al equipo tratante para el diagnóstico y planificación quirúrgica en caso necesario.